Book a free Consultation
Unlock the path to your educational aspirations with our services. At Study in North Cyprus, we understand that your academic journey is unique, and we are here to guide you every step of the way.
Our team of experienced educational consultants is dedicated to helping you achieve your educational and career goals. Whether you’re a high school student exploring college options, a recent graduate considering postgraduate studies, or a professional seeking to enhance your skills, our free consultation is your first step toward success.
Popular Study Subjects
Popular Universities
Study in North Cyprus Packages
Bronze Package
Silver Package
Gold Package
Platinum Package
Welcome Services
Pre-arrival Support
We offer extensive pre- arrival assistance, providing students with all the necessary information and guidance they need to prepare for their study in North Cyprus.
Orientation Program
Enhance student preparedness by providing vital details on student services, campus resources, academic regulations, and cultural nuances.
Airport Reception
To ease the transition and make students feel welcome, we arrange airport pick- up services upon their arrival in North Cyprus.
Cultural Activities
Promoting cultural integration in study abroad. We facilitate community engagement, fostering lasting connections with the local people.
Airport Reception
To ease the transition and make students feel welcome, we arrange airport pick- up services upon their arrival in North Cyprus.
Cultural Activities
Promoting cultural integration in study abroad. We facilitate community engagement, fostering lasting connections with the local people.